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Chin Augmentation

What is Botox?

Botox, or botulinum toxin, is an injectable treatment that is primarily targeted to treat wrinkles, fine lines and creases on the face. It can also be used as a non-permanent facial contouring treatment to slim down your profile. Botox is more widely known as an effective anti-aging product for improving the appearance of your skin. Botox is able to treat signs of advanced aging as it promotes collagen production and skin elasticity. In Singapore, Botox is used to temporarily give patients a younger and tighter look.

What is Chin Augmentation?

An individual’s facial shape or profile can greatly change and improve with a simple tweak of their chin and jaw. A common procedure patients undergo to achieve their desired results or correction is chin augmentation, known as genioplasty.

Chin augmentation is a surgical procedure that alters and improves an individual’s facial aesthetics by reshaping bones in the jaw or with the use of implants.

There are three types of chin augmentation:

  • Chin implant
  • Sliding genioplasty
  • Chin filler

How does it work?

Chin augmentation involves:

  • The surgeon makes a cut either inside of the mouth or on the outer area under the chin.
  • A pocket will then be created for the implant to be placed inside. This pocket is in front of the chin bone and under the muscles.
  • The ‘implant’ used by the surgeon could either be real bone, fat tissue, or silicone implant, depending on the needs and desired results of the patient.
  • The implant will be attached to the bone with stitches or sometimes screws.
  • Once the implant is in place, the surgeon will use sutures to close the surgical cut. The scar where the cut has been made is barely noticeable, especially if the cut is on the inside of the mouth.
  • Depending on the patient’s desired results, some bones may need to be moved around. To do so, the surgeon may make a cut inside the mouth along the lower gum, followed by a second cut through the jaw bone.
  • Once the bone is cut and moved into place, it is wired or screwed in place using a metal plate. After using sutures to close the cut, a bandage is applied to allow for recovery.

A chin augmentation surgery takes approximately 1 to 3 hours.

Recovery typically takes approximately 6 weeks with most patients returning to their normal daily activities after approximately 10 days.

Why get Chin Augmentation?

A chin augmentation is more than just an aesthetic surgical procedure. It is commonly used as a form of corrective surgery to:

  • Improve an individual’s jaw
  • Provide enhancements to a person’s facial shape and profile
  • Provide a better proportion to the chin and align it better with the other features of the face
  • Correct a weak chin and improve the definition of the jawline and neck

Additionally, for facial aesthetics purposes, chin augmentation can reduce the appearance of a double chin, often caused by a small chin bone.

What results can I expect from Chin Augmentation?

Although a chin augmentation promises to improve one’s overall appearance, it is always best and important to have realistic expectations of the after results to ensure you will be satisfied with your end results.

Chin augmentation might look intimidating but it is a common surgical procedure that produces permanent and great-looking results.

Upon completion of the surgical procedure, it can be difficult to notice the full results through the swelling post-surgery. Once the swelling has gone down, most patients will notice that their chin and jaw are more aesthetically pleasing with an improved facial shape and profile.

To ensure natural-looking results, your doctor will work closely with you to decide which type of procedure is best suited to achieve your desired outcome.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does chin augmentation last?
Chin augmentation is considered a permanent procedure. The procedure involves implanting either bone, fat tissue or a silicone into the chin or jaw area. Depending on your desired outcome, your doctor may need to remove some bone as part of the procedure.

How painful is chin augmentation?
Patients who have undergone chin augmentation can expect to feel discomfort and soreness post-surgery. The pain is managed by pain medication prescribed by your doctor. You may also experience an itching sensation or numbness during the recovery period.
Does chin augmentation leave a scar?
An incision for chin augmentation is typically made inside the mouth or under the chin. The surgical scar in the mouth is not visible once it has fully healed. The scar under the chin is barely noticeable after recovery.

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      * Please note that the requested appointment date and time is subject to availability. The respective clinic will contact you for confirmation.

      Nassim Plastic Surgery - Dr Janna Joethy
      opening hours
      MON to FRI | 9.00a.m - 6.00p.m
      SAT I | 10.00a.m - 3p.m

      *Will be closed on SUNDAY & PUBLIC HOLIDAYS
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