Dr. Janna is a Singapore plastic surgeon recognised for his aesthetic and reconstructive skills. Through his career, he’s worked on a wide range of cases, ranging from cosmetic work to microsurgery and
burn related surgery.
Dr Janna is regularly invited to give talks at various conferences where he shares his experience in aesthetic and reconstruction procedures. He is well versed in the latest techniques in cosmetic surgery so that his patients can benefit from this.
Dr Janna is well known for his contouring skills ranging from mummy makeovers to liposuction. He also offers various methods for facial rejuvenation with fillers, threads or a surgical facelift. He has been invited as faculty to train other doctors in injecting fillers.
Outside of his clinical and academic work, Dr Janna often travels abroad to give back to society. He has travelled to Myanmar, Indonesia and Bangladesh where he has performed humanitarian work on the less previleged.